A Slight Swerve That Changes Everything

“You know that message everybody’s been waiting for their whole lives, as long as they can remember? They’ve looked for it in the mail, e-mail, text, letter, in every book or magazine they’ve ever read. On billboards. In others’ faces. Well, I bring that message. That’s my job. It’s up to me. That’s why I came.”

From Messenger’s Composition Book, MESSENGER

Finalist for the 2022 Feathered Quill Book Awards in Inspiration Category

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MESSENGER tells the story of twenty-something journalist, Alana Peterson, who is convinced she’s found her big break when she meets Messenger, a mysterious old woman who delivers life-changing messages to seemingly random people all over New York City.

Alana investigates, trying to determine if Messenger is a crazy homeless woman, a shaman, an angel or the prophet the planet needs to save it. Messenger channels her messages and knows exactly whom to deliver them to. How? Alana realizes it’s not always the content of the message but the timing in a person’s life that creates the Clinamen, the slight swerve, that changes everything. Can a few words change a life? A city? The world?

Through a series of mistakes, Alana bends the trajectory of the story to tragic results. Finally, Alana discovers what her journey with Messenger has really been all about.

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Not only do I love this print book, but have an entire backlist of podcast episodes to listen to! Such a sweet, special message from an author who put her message into the world when we really needed it.

Life can change so quickly, and that isn't necessarily a bad thing. This book reminded me of that, and I appreciate the author for putting this message into the world!

Sometimes we forget that we too can be an inspiration with our own words and actions, and this book reminded me to appreciate that, and to put good into the world.

Intriguing...tale about inspiring messages from an unlikely figure.

“Isn’t that the core of her messages? The universe is run by love?” From Alana’s Notebook, MESSENGER.

About Liz Keller Whitehurst

Liz Keller Whitehurst is the author of her debut novel, MESSENGER, and author/creator of the serial podcast MESSENGER: A NOVEL IN 16 EPISODES, which she launched in 2020. Her short stories have appeared in many literary magazines and journals, including Gargoyle, The Portland Review, Five Fingers Review and Nimrod International Journal. She was a finalist in Nimrod International Journal’s Short Story Competition. She earned an MA in English from The University of Virginia.

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